
coffee or in a darkened movie

Here's the scoop on what perfect use is, how to have the pill be as effective as possible for you, what a missed pill is and what you should do, when it's time to worry about pregnancy and when it's not.First starting the pill and birth control backupsWith all BCPs (birth control pills), to be as safe as possible, and in the interest of having as much protection as possible, it is strongly advised to back up the pill with condom use when using the pill as birth control.Most effectiveness rates for the pill are lower for younger women, usually because plenty of younger women are having to hide the pill and/or be sneaky in taking them, so it's more likely that younger women, rather than older women, will miss pills and/or take pills late, which can reduce effectiveness. Too, younger women who don't tell their general doctors they are using the pill may not be warned in advance about drug interactions with the pill and general medications (usually that's only the c